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Filtner Ludovic Story | Lyone Foundation

Filtner Ludovic Story

Hello, my name is Filtner Ludovic and I am a senior at George Emil Palade High School in the city of Satu Mare, Romania. I can finally say that my life is taking a turn for the better!

Unfortunately, life has not always been good to me. We are a family of five children and I am the youngest in the family!
My mother who is very sick with cirrhosis of the liver has always been there for us. Many fights and heavy drinking led to my mom leaving her husband, the father of my four half-siblings! My mom met my biological father who aided her in raising my brothers and sisters. Things went well for a while until my mom became pregnant with me. From that moment my father’s attitude changed and he started drinking and arguing with everyone in the household. My mom couldn’t handle the pressure and decided that it would be best if she left him. After my mom left my father she became depressed and started having panic attacks to the point where she wouldn’t leave the house.

My oldest brother and my three sisters tried to help my mother but it was hard. They had to work to support the family and gave up their education. Life has not always been the way I would’ve liked it to be. My brothers wanted to stay in school but they didn’t have a chance. Ever since I was a little boy they took care of me and hoped that at least I would be able to continue my education.

I’ve dreamed about going to a school of arts because I love to sing. Singing helped me cope with my problems. Participating at a Christmas concert near my home I ran into one of my teachers from my school, Girasin Marina. She suggested that I participate in the first edition of “3,2,1, Talent Show“ on Facebook, a contest partnered by Lucian Muresanu, co-founder of Lyone Foundation. I decided to participate and won second place. Although I did not win first place, the experience proved to be much more rewarding than I had expected. Mr. Lucian Muresanu came to the Talent Show in person and I had the opportunity to meet him. He became my friend and mentor.

My mother’s health deteriorated and she went to live with my sister in Spain to get health aid. During this time, I lived with my older brother. I had to take care of my nine-year-old niece so I was not able to attend school daily. I definitely felt my mom’s absence during this time.

During summer break I went to Spain as well. I worked for a few months. In September I came back home so I could continue going to school. Back in Romania I was missing my mother and my girlfriend that I had met in Spain. My brother and his wife were not treating me properly when I came back home. I was considering taking my own life. Luckily my girlfriend told her grandmother who reached out to my mother.

My mother contacted Mr. Lucian Muresanu and asked him to try and stop what I was planning to do. He contacted my teacher Girasin Marina. I spent hours talking to them on Facebook, after which I made a promise that I would meet them the next day. It just so happened that Mr. Lucian was in Romania at the time. I’m so grateful that I went to meet and talk to them. I made them a promise that I would stay in school and do my best to graduate. Not too long after I received the good news that I was selected to participate in a Television Show “Romanians Have Talent“. Lucian Muresanu made me a promise that as long as I stay in school he will send me spending money every month. He also sent my family and me a couple of packages. At the moment where I live the space is pretty tight. Ten of us are living in a small room.

My ultimate goal is to win the competition that I’m in and buy an apartment and invest in my education.